New Drone


In New England, it is no secret that the weather is not always perfect. The between seasons times is a hard time for photographers to get booked, as usually everything is dead and the ground is too muddy. Let’s just say that it is not the most beautiful time of the year, as compared to the beautiful summer beach days or the idyllic winter snowstorms. During this downtime, I found myself exploring alternative creative outlets.

After sitting at home all day working on redesigning my website, I decided to haul myself over the BestBuy, ten minutes before it closed, to buy myself a drone. I was hesitant to buy one, as it can’t be used for anything professional, as the FAA requires photographers to acquire a commercial drone licensee, which is a little bit of a force to get, especially during the pandemic. However, the drone is a new and innovative photography tool, allowing photographers to achieve new perspectives, this time, from a bird’s eye view.

I am excited to use this new photography tool to further myself creatively, even if I can’t profit off of it. Photography is my passion and I am a artist first, businessman second. You know what they say, the sky’s the limit! (hahaha…)


New Goals, New Ideas, New Passions.


Why Portraits?