New Website, New Me.

Hull, MA March

Hull, MA March, 2021

I’ve said it time and time again but I’ll say it again. It has been a crazy year, but I am so glad that things seem to be getting better nationwide (I wrote this and I immediately knocked on wood). I have since received my second dose of the vaccination, and while I don’t totally feel invincible, I definitely feel powerful. This past winter, I decided to take a small step back from the business side of my photography to focus on myself, exploring new things like film (who knew my camera could do that…) and leabthercrafting (yeah I make wallets, journal covers, card holders, keychains, etc…). I went skiing a lot (myself, because none of my friends would go with me… Just kidding. Pretty much all of them were stuck in college classes), slept in, and spent time with my family.

Now that the sun is out, so is my sense of urgency to get back into my normal business routine. I just spent some quality time with a website designer to rework my website and I am beyond proud of it. It looks amazing, with all of everybody’s stunning faces from this past season’s work plastered all over it. I am also in the process of redesigning my logo.

I have big things planned for the second half of this year, and this is just a short synopsis of some of the things that I have been up to. Get excited!


Why Portraits?


Project Daniel Xu